Traffic Tickets

Get Help with Traffic Tickets

I currently offer representation for the following: Orange County traffic tickets, Chatham County traffic tickets, and Durham County traffic tickets.

Offenses that I handle are included, but no necessarily limited to speeding, speeding in a work zone, speeding in a school zone, following too closely, failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident, improper lane change, unsafe movement, careless and reckless driving, no operators license, expired registration, expired tags.

I represent clients with Orange County traffic tickets and Chatham County traffic tickets most frequently, and I also appear in and Durham County with some limitations.  I will gladly discuss with you any charges pending in other North Carolina counties, as well, and If I cannot assist you, I would be glad to refer you to a traffic ticket attorney in the appropriate county if I have a contact there.

Traffic tickets are not the harmless slips of paper that they seem to be. Often times, we are told by law enforcement officers or acquaintances to simply pay off traffic tickets without fear of the consequences.

Paying off tickets is almost always a bad idea!!!

Paying off these tickets results in a guilty plea to whatever offenses you are charged with, which will almost always result in DMV and Insurance points.

Just one point on your insurance causes a premium increase of 30%! Four points would mean an increase of 80%! Moreover, many of the speeding tickets people receive can have license revocation penalties as well. If you get a speeding ticket, it is very important that you contact a traffic ticket attorney immediately before simply mailing in your payment.  DO NOT follow the advice of non-attorneys who tell you to use a “PFJ” or whatever panacea they think they know about.

What can a traffic lawyer do for me?

Certainly you could appear in court on your own and attempt to dispose of the charges against you. Often, however, defendants who retain a lawyer to represent them in traffic issues obtain more favorable outcomes. I can offer you two particularly valuable benefits:

  1. CONVENIENCE: If you hope to achieve a better disposition of your charges by a court appearance, it will mean taking a day off of work, sitting in the traffic court room waiting for your name to be called, and submitting yourself to a hostile environment that you are unlikely to be to familiar with. In most cases, a lawyer with a written waiver of appearance can appear in court on your behalf, saving you the time and stress of wasting a day in traffic court.
  2. ADVOCACY: More importantly, a lawyer is your advocate. A traffic attorney knows the law and is familiar with the workings of court. Hiring a traffic lawyer shows the Assistant District Attorney that you are serious about the charges against you and that you and your attorney may be willing to try your case. The Assistant District Attorney most likely has between 200 and 800 more cases just like yours to deal with that day, and would prefer not to have to try the case, which would put him or her dreadfully behind in their duties. This gives the State an incentive to reduce the charges against you, perhaps to a more reasonable charge which all parties can live with, and with your traffic attorney’s knowledge of the law, he or she can help get the disposition that is best for you in the circumstances.

How much does it cost to hire a traffic ticket attorney?

Traffic Attorney Fees

I want to be your  traffic ticket attorney!  If you have an Orange County, Chatham County, Alamance County, Wake County, or Durham County ticket, call me now!  919-929-2992.

If you have spoken with me and are ready to sign up, just CLICK HERE for the representation agreement.

CALL ME NOW AT 919-929-2992.


DOCKET NUMBERS FOR DRIVING SCHOOL CLIENTSclick here.  Type in the appropriate county (Chapel Hill or Hillsborough is Orange County; Siler City or Pittsboro is Chatham County), then your last name (no first name!) and hit “Submit Query.”

DMV Point Values


  • Passing stopped school bus
  • Aggressive driving


  • Reckless driving
  • Hit-and-run, property damage only
  • Following too close
  • Driving on wrong side of road
  • Illegal passing
  • Failure to yield right-of-way to pedestrian pursuant to G.S. 20-158(b)(2)b.
  • Failure to yield right-of-way to bicycle, motor scooter, or motorcycle


  • Running through stop sign
  • Speeding in excess of 55 mph
  • Failing to yield right-of-way
  • Running through red light
  • No driver’s license or license expired more than one year
  • Failure to stop for siren
  • Driving through safety zone
  • No liability insurance
  • Failure to report accident where such report is required
  • Speeding in a school zone in excess of the posted school zone speed limit


  • Failure to properly restrain a child in a restraint or seat belt
  • All other moving violations


  • Littering pursuant to G.S. 14-399 when the littering involves the use of a motor vehicle

DMV Point Values for Violations

While Operating a Commercial  Motor Vehicle


  • Passing stopped school bus


  • Rail-highway crossing violation
  • Careless and reckless driving in violation of G.S. 20-140(f)
  • Speeding in violation of G.S. 20-141(j3)
  • Aggressive driving


  • Reckless driving
  • Hit-and-run, property damage only
  • Following too close
  • Driving on wrong side of road
  • Illegal passing
  • Failure to yield right-of-way to pedestrian pursuant to G.S. 20-158(b)(2)b.
  • Failure to yield right-of-way to bicycle, motor scooter, or motorcycle


  • Running through stop sign
  • Speeding in excess of 55 mph
  • Failing to yield right-of-way
  • Running through red light
  • No driver’s license or license expired more than one year
  • Failure to stop for siren
  • Driving through safety zone
  • No liability insurance
  • Failure to report accident where such report is required
  • Speeding in a school zone in excess of the posted school zone speed limit
  • Possessing alcoholic beverages in the passenger area of a commercial motor vehicle


  • All other moving violations


  • Littering pursuant to G.S. 14-399 when the littering involves the use of a motor vehicle


Safe Driver Incentive Plan (SDIP) Points

Otherwise known as “Insurance Points”


  • Manslaughter or negligent homicide
  • Prearranged highway racing or knowingly lending a motor vehicle for prearranged highway racing
  • Hit-and-run resulting in bodily injury or death
  • Driving with a blood-alcohol level of .08 or more
  • Driving commercial vehicle with a blood-alcohol level of .04 or more
  • Driving while impaired
  • Transporting illegal intoxicating liquor for sale


  • Highway racing or knowingly lending a motor vehicle for highway racing
  • Speeding to elude arrest


  • Driving during revocation or suspension of license or registration
  • Aggressive driving


  • Reckless driving
  • Hit-and-run resulting in property damage only
  • Passing a stopped school bus
  • Speeding in excess of 75 mph when the speed limit is less than 70 mph
  • Speeding in excess of 80 mph when the speed limit is 70 mph or greater
  • Driving by a person less than age 21 after consuming alcohol or drugs


  • At-fault accident resulting in death, or totally bodily injury (to all persons) in excess of $1,800; OR resulting in total property damage (including damage to insured’s own property) of $3,000 or more


  • Illegal passing
  • Following too closely
  • Driving on wrong side of the road
  • At-fault accident resulting in total property damage (including damage to insured’s own property) in excess of $1,800 but less than $3,000
  • Speeding more than 10 mph over the speed limit provided the total speed is in excess of 55 mph, but less than 76 mph
  • Speeding 10 mph or less in excess of speed zone of 55 mph or greater


  • All other moving violations
  • At-fault accident resulting in bodily injury (to all persons) of $1,800 or less; OR resulting in property damage (including damage to insured’s own property) of $1,800 or less
  • Speeding 10 mph or less in excess of speed limit of less than 55 mph




% of Rate

Cost if Basic
Rate is $300





































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Contact Jeffrey

Jeffrey Allen Howard, Attorney at Law, PLLC
1829 E. Franklin St. - Bldg 600
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

(P) 919-929-2992
(F) 919-636-4779

Address Doesn't Matter!