Uninsured and Underinsured Insurance In Your Accident Claim

Most of the time when you’re in an auto accident you’re usually able to seek compensation for your injuries from the at-fault party’s auto insurance company. But often it isn’t that simple, especially with more serious injuries. What if the bad guys didn’t have insurance? Or what if they didn’t have enough?

People who get stuck in these sorts of situations might feel like there’s nothing they can do to get adequately reimbursed for their losses.

This is why it’s important to have a personal injury attorney who can help you determine if there might be more insurance coverage available.  Here’s where you look for Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage…or UM/UIM.

Most of us have these types of coverages included in our policies by default.  If you have a minimum limits policy, then you probably don’t have Underinsured (UIM) coverage, though.  But assuming you have what you need – and you hopefully do –  you can seek payment from your own insurance company instead of (UNinsured), or in addition to (UNDERinsured), the insurance company of the bad guy. Uninsured Motorist coverage is for situations where the at-fault party doesn’t have auto insurance or for some reason the policy doesn’t cover him.   Underinsured Motorist coverage is for when the at-fault party doesn’t have enough coverage for the damage he caused.

This stuff can be the difference between a horribly unfair outcome and a palatable one, so please make sure you get good advice. Call me at 919-929-2992.

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Contact Jeffrey

Jeffrey Allen Howard, Attorney at Law, PLLC
1829 E. Franklin St. - Bldg 600
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

(P) 919-929-2992
(F) 919-636-4779

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